Timika Chambers (@CWType2Diabetes) tweeted at 3:34 PM on Sat, Mar 30, 2013: When you wait for an apology, you are putting your life on hold for another. Do you want someone to have that much control over yor life? (https://twitter.com/CWType2Diabetes/status/318083775437348864) Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Balboa Press Published Book
Timika Chambers (@CWType2Diabetes) tweeted at 9:23 AM on Fri, Mar 29, 2013: Just signed off on my book this week...Mother's words of wisdom. From my heart to yours. Building within...check it out (https://twitter.com/CWType2Diabetes/status/317628202740748288) Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Family traditions
Timika Chambers (@CWType2Diabetes) tweeted at 9:18 AM on Mon, Mar 18, 2013: If we are not careful we can continue family traditions that have not served us well. (https://twitter.com/CWType2Diabetes/status/313640610584227840) Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
My husband and I rented a movie from the local Drugmart a week or so ago, and I cannot get out of my mind how this person wanted to be and do things (play the piano proficiently, wanted more action in his life, and kept dreaming of his life being different). He was brainwashed to believe that he was someone else and led a life that confirmed it. He worked for a company he did not like and was bored of the work. His life did not change until he took a chance..... until he ventured out to at least be in a fantasy world and be who he wanted to be. They were going to knock him out with an injection, and he could, momentarily, be in a fantasy life...the life he wanted.. It was crazy because even his "wife" who knew the truth and would eventually try to kill him, played into who he was not...just as long as he believed who he was not.
My husband text me today about how a mass murder occurred on the same date I was born. He further wrote me about how that same person was told that he would never be anything like his brother. It confirmed, to me, that one's childhood is a very critical period and it matters how you label your child when he is young. It matters in the names you call your children. It matters who your child becomes because who your child becomes affects the life of others literally and possibly painfully. Our words can be hurtful. Our anger can be contagious. We have to be more conscious of who our child hears and sees.
I am still trying to figure out the name of the movie...
Timika Chambers
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